Estimated Cost of Property Ownership at Lake Latonka

Prospective new property owners should check with LLPOA office, CJLLJA office (sewage), Aqua Water Company and local tax offices to determine if there are any outstanding liabilities on the property.



1. New Home Construction requires the payment of a Sewage Connection Reservation Fee at the Coolspring Jackson Lake Latonka Joint Authority Office before obtaining a building permit, (724) 662-2091.

The Coolspring Jackson Lake Latonka Joint Authority (CJLLCA) Sewage Plant began operation on January 22, 2002, and began billing customers in February 2002. The flat rate sewer bill is $55.00 per month. (SUBJECT TO CHANGE)

2. Construction compliance permits are required from Coolspring or Jackson Township.

3. Lake Latonka Property Owners’ Association (LLPOA) Constructions document – begins at $850.00 for a new home construction. (FEE MAY BE ADJUSTED FROM TIME TO TIME)

4. An LLPOA permissions is required to demolish a house at Lake Latonka - begins at $500.00. Please check at the office to see when permissions is needed and the associated fees for all permissions- Prior to the start of all construction.

5. Property taxes are paid to local governments.

6. An Initiation Fee is payable to the LLPOA at the time of closing on the transfer of real estate. The year 2024 fee for a lot(s) with or without a home is $8,000.00 and is payable by all new members. (THIS FEE MAY BE ADJUSTED FROM TIME TO TIME)

7. Membership in the Lake Latonka Property Owners’ Association includes Annual Dues of $2,140.00 for the year 2024. Each year dues are subject to adjustment based on the budget approved by the Board of Directors. The cost of maintaining the lake infrastructure is rising due to the heavier equipment traffic, age of facilities and inflation on cost of services and materials. It is very possible the annual Dues and Assessments will increase in future years. When Assessments and Dues are in arrears, legal action is taken.

8. The year 2024 Annual Dues Assessment for a non-contiguous lot owned by an Association Member is $1,070.00 (50% of the Base rate of $2,140.00)

9. There are annual fees for boats and off-road vehicles. The powerboat and personal watercraft fees are $75 for the first, $125 for the second and $300 for the third and each watercraft sticker that follows. The non-power boat fee is $10. The golf carts fees are $50 for the first, $100 for the second and $150 for the third and each golf cart sticker that follows. The off-road vehicle fees are $100 for the first, $150 for the second and $200 for the third and each off road sticker that follows. Proof of ownership and insurance coverage is required at the time the sticker is purchased. (THESE FEES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE).

10. For the year 2024, there is an annual reservation fee of $250 for the first slip and $350 for the second slip. Members that had a dock slip the previous season have until the 15th of February of each year to reserve the same slip. If the slips are not paid for by the 15th of February in any given year, the slips will be offered to the Members that are on the waiting lists at these public docks. Members must be in good standing to be put on the wait list(s). When a Member is called for an available slip, they have 24 hours to respond via email, call, etc. When a Member reserves a dock slip, they are removed from all waiting lists. Docks are non-refundable. Dock slips are not transferable. If a Member reserves a slip and leaves the Association, the slip will be resold per the wait lists.


12. Lake Latonka rents different facilities/rooms. Stop by the office for information on rental fees.

(Estimated cost of property 12/9/2022)