Dam Committee
The primary purpose of the LLPOA Dam Committee (D/C) is to meet as required and necessary to promulgate the safety, repair, and efficient performance of the dam and attendant structures including any and all immediate and/or forseeable hazards and/or threats to the well being of the membership.
Lake Community Comparison Committee
Charter: This committee will assist the LLPOA Board of Directors by providing information about similar lake communities in Pennsylvania and the surrounding states. The committee will determine a list of similar communities, facilitate contacting those communities, gathering detailed information about all the relevant details of each community and maintain a database to track the information. Based on the information gathered, the committee will report to the board on amenities and services to be considered, cost comparisons, risks to be considered and other relevant information that will be helpful to the board in making decisions that are in the best interest of the community.
Please Click Here to View the Community Comparison Results
Lake Operations Committee
Charter: This committee will assist the LLPOA Board of Directors by providing recommendations for increasing revenue and decreasing costs. The committee will review our current state of operations to determine opportunities for increasing revenue through existing sources, as well as develop new revenue sources and decreasing costs through increasing efficiency, eliminating obsolete processes, reviewing vendors/suppliers and maximizing labor. After our review of current operations, the committee will generate a broad list of areas for improvement. The initial list will be refined based on financial impact, implementation cost, timeframe for ROI and impact to the community. After any recommendations are approved by the BOD, the committee will lead the implementation and aid the LLPOA staff with any changes to normal operations and procedures.
The committee will comprise at least five and no more than nine members in good standing, including at least one LLPOA Board member as chair. Members will be approved by the LLPOA Board. Regular meetings will be scheduled and maintained in order to provide regular reports to the LLPOA Board of Directors.
Lake Water Quality Committee
Charter: To provide information and advice to the Board regarding the water quality and condition of Lake Latonka.
We will also provide information to residents in the form of information meetings and web based postings. In order to accomplish these tasks, the committee will perform the following:
Interview potential lake consultants
Monitor dynamic lake conditions and report changes
Develop data base of lake conditions to track effectiveness and change
Monitor costs associated with lake improvement
Assist lake management where needed regarding permitting, application, evolving conditions
Evaluate long term monitoring and methods to improve the condition and quality of our lake
Monitor silt and sediment runoff and provide guidance as to the changing conditions
Explore alternative solutions with new technology where applicable
Real Property Committee
Charter: This committee will assist the LLPOA Board of Directors by providing information and recommendations to facilitate decision making and other actions taken with respect to all real estate, owned or purchasable by the LLPOA. The Committee will develop and maintain a searchable database containing all property included in the Lake Latonka Community. Important searchable aspects will include ownership, developments, tax, dues, and environmental status. The Committee will also research all relevant issues particular to LLPOA Real Property including legal issues, infrastructure capacity, taxation issues, in house real estate agency or supervision or same, environmental issues, and potential common area development projects such as parks, storage buildings, special housing opportunities, and others.
This Committee will coordinate with all other committees, in particular the RBC and Water Quality, as and if issues such as drainage come to the fore.
Roads, Bridges, & Culverts Committee