Purchasing LLPOA Stickers
**It is the responsibility of the Lake Latonka Members to submit the proper documentation required for each type of sticker requested. See below for sticker pricing and required documentation for each type of sticker.**
Purchase Options
Step 1: Submit the proper paperwork for each type of sticker required.
- Visit the Lake Office with all necessary items in hand.
- Mail all necessary documentation required for each sticker to 420 Latonka Drive, Mercer, PA 16137. Please feel free to utilize the Sticker Request Form to ensure you submit all needed documentation.
- Email all necessary items to the Lake Office at office@lakelatonka.org (Subject: Sticker Submission). Please include your name and lake address in the email. It may take up to two business days to process email submissions.
- Online Sticker Request Form (available by clicking here) - this form allows you to electronically submit documentation and provides an estimated total for your requested stickers. It may take up to two business days to process form submissions.
Step 2: Submit payment for requested stickers.
- Pay by check or cash by visiting or mailing the Lake Latonka office.
- Pay by credit card in person or credit card payments can be taken over the phone. There is a non-refundable 3% fee on all credit card payments.
- Utilize the Lake Latonka website member account.
o Log into the member only at Lakelatonka.org
o Go to Members Only – My information.
o View/Pay My account
o You will see entries for stickers requested and current balance.
o Pay online with ACH or Credit Card using Pay Account
Step 3: Stickers will be issued once all documentation and payment is received / verified.
- Pick up sticker in the Lake Office during normal business hours (Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4 PM)
- Stickers can be mailed to the property owner.
- Security can deliver stickers. They may not be placed in mailboxes so please let the Office know where to have security leave the stickers.
**There is a $5.00 fee each to reissue current year stickers.**
Please note sticker prices listed below are for current year 2025 and are subject to change.
Power Boats & Jet Skis
First Sticker: $75
Second Sticker: $125
Third Sticker: $300
Submit To Office in person or by email at office@lakelatonka.org:
- Current State Registration
- Proof of Current Insurance (that shows policy period dates and policy number)
- Signed Waiver from Member (Watercraft Waiver available by clicking here)
- Payment
For each motorized watercraft, the Member must present a current qualifying state boat registration in the Member's name and proof of liability insurance to get an LLPOA boat sticker. Boats permitted on LLPOA waters must be as follows: Pontoon boats twenty-three (23) feet or less, all other boats twenty-two (22) feet or less in accordance with state registration card.
Non Power
Each Sticker: $10
Submit To Office in person or by email at office@lakelatonka.org:
- Type of Vessel
- Payment
If the vessel has a motor of any kind, it is not considered a non power.
Golf Carts
First Sticker: $50
Second Sticker: $100
Third Sticker: $150
Submit To Office in person or by email at office@lakelatonka.org:
- Proof of Current Insurance (that shows policy period dates and policy number)
- Signed Waiver from Member (Golf Cart / Off Road Waiver available by clicking here)
- Payment
The Member must present a current qualifying state off road registration in the Member's name, or certify that they own the off-road vehicle, provide evidence of insurance for each vehicle, and sign the waiver to get an LLPOA sticker. Golf Carts are required to have mirrors so that the driver may see behind the vehicle while operating and allow for safer operation of the Golf Cart.
ATVS / UTVS / Side-by-Sides
First Sticker: $100
Second Sticker: $150
Third Sticker: $200
Submit To Office in person or by email at office@lakelatonka.org:
- Current State Registration
- Proof of Current Insurance (that shows policy period dates and policy number)
- Signed Waiver from Member (Golf Cart / Off Road Waiver available by clicking here)
- Payment
The Member must present a current qualifying state off road registration in the Member's name, or certify that they own the off-road vehicle, provide evidence of insurance for each vehicle, and sign the waiver to get an LLPOA sticker. Golf Carts are required to have mirrors so that the driver may see behind the vehicle while operating and allow for safer operation of the Golf Cart.
Trailer Storage
Each Sticker: $25